to paris with love, our exciting news

Thursday, May 30


oh friends, i'm so excited to share with you some lovely little news. 

I suppose this story goes back a few years. You see about six years ago my family decided to host an exchange student. I remember my dad showing me a list of girls the organization gave my family to choose from. I mean, as if that isn't, ok pick a girl, any girl. 

But, the moral of the story is that sweet Aline from Switzerland came to live with us for a year. And our family was never the same. In that year she became our third sister, and my parent's third daughter. Our whole family fell in love with her. 
{aline and I at my bridal shower}

Since that year, her whole family has visited our family in the US, and our family has visited her family both in Switzerland and met up when them when we were in France one summer. Aline and her two siblings even flew out for our wedding and they all pitched in to help! 

To say the least, we have been So blessed by them and love this little connection!! forward to this year. Aline is now getting married to an awesome Dutch man named Rick, and our family is invited to the wedding. When we moved to Nepal in April, I wasn't sure if we'd be able to go to the wedding. Flights from Kathmandu to Europe aren't exactly cheap, ya feels me? 

soooooo, I prayed. 
every day. 
I know that seems like a silly thing to pray for, but going to their wedding was something so special to me that I didn't want to miss. My whole family would be going, and I also didn't want to miss out on time with them! 

and you know what, 
God is just good. 
He knows our hearts and the little itsy bitsy desires we have. 
and for ALL his crazy power, He's so completely tender and kind. 
He is. 
That's his nature. 

For the last two months I've been checking out how many points it would take on our credit card for us to receive a free flight to Europe. 
I checked
I was a bit obsessed. 

75,000 points it said, 
Kevin and I were almost to 70,000 and didn't think we'd make 75,000.
I was really, really sad. But trying to have a good attitude. 

Then, all of a sudden, the points dropped to 70,000. We couldn't believe it! 
But the flight only flew out of Delhi India and we are in Kathmandu Nepal. 
Then, my sweet parents offered to help get us to Delhi! I couldn't believe it! 

I seriously danced around the room praising God! 
So this past weekend, we bought our tickets! 
wait, what?!!?

YES, we're going to Paris. That was the cheapest place to fly into. 
We'll be in Paris for two days just Kev and I. We've both been to Paris a few times before, but never together, so I'm over the moon about being in the city of love with the one I love:)

Then we'll meet my family in Northern France to see and learn more about the D-Day beaches, and see Mont St. Michel (pictured below) something I've ALWAYS wanted to do! 

To prepare for the D-day beaches, Kevin and I have started watching Band of Brothers, the HBO mini-series about paratroopers going in on D-day during WWII. If you like history, or just good tv, this is an amazing series. However I will say, I close my eyes during almost all the fighting's hard to watch! But it makes me so thankful for all the brave men who literally gave their lives to help stop Hitler! 

From Northern France we'll go and explore Belgium, and then on to Holland where the wedding is! I can't wait to share pictures and our experiences with you all! 

Basically, I feel so overwhelmed with thanksgiving. God made all this possible. He cares, deeply. Oh, so thankful! 

Thank you for following this journey with me! So thankful for all of you readers!!! 
happy Thursday, 
Love Katie

and ps- my sweet friend Kristyn featured me on her blog here