Emphasizing the beauty of the small

Friday, April 17

"People often ask me why I emphasize beauty- art, candles, music, cups of tea, cinnamon rolls, great stories and books- as though these things are unnecessary and frivolous. I prioritize them because I want to bring the whole reality of God and His life into my home" - Sally Clarkson 

My heart gave a hearty AMEN when I read this quote in the book Own Your Life. Oh friends, isn't this so true? Small beauty, cultivated into our home is a magnificent thing. Life is hard and messy and stressful, but sometimes small beauties can bring the joy we need to relish right where we are at. I've been working 12 hour days with few breaks (seeing clients, full time school, part-time work) and I come home feeling like an 80 year old who just ran a marathon. But when I sit in my comfy chair with my feet up, drink some tea, listen to classical music on my record player, and admire the thriving plants in my room, this sense of beauty calms my spirit. It is a resting place. Selah. 

And isn't God the master creator of beauty? He who created the moon and stars, the mountains, the ocean, the rain forrest...master crafter of loveliness. THE ALPS PEOPLE!!! Who can stand in Switzerland and look at the Alps and not be inspired? Beauty...rest for our souls. {This here was a similar sentiment I had 2 summers ago as we spent time in Europe} 

And the amazing thing, beauty doesn't have to cost much! A cup of tea here, a few $2 plans from home depot there, a good book and a fantastic pandora station...and you are set:) When we invite others into beauty, they catch a deeper glimpse at who our God truly is. Isn't that amazing? 

Speaking of beauty, we are off to the central coast of California this weekend to visit some dear ones. Hope your weekend is full of beauty!! 

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